Project Management Essentials for Business Professionals

Course Overview:

This training course in project management is structured into three comprehensive segments:

Part 1 (60 Minutes): Introduction to Project Management Basics

  • This section covers the fundamentals of project management, including the life cycle of a project and the role of a project manager. Participants will learn about the core concepts and frameworks that form the backbone of effective project management.

Part 2 (60 Minutes): Planning and Execution

  • Participants will delve into the planning process, learning how to define project scope, set realistic timelines, allocate resources, and manage budgets. The segment also covers strategies for executing projects efficiently, emphasizing leadership and communication skills crucial for managing dynamic teams.

Part 3 (60 Minutes): Monitoring, Controlling, and Closing

  • This final part focuses on the techniques for monitoring and controlling project progress using key performance indicators and other metrics. It concludes with best practices for closing projects, including post-project reviews and lessons learned sessions.

Outcome Objectives for Participants:

  1. Gain foundational knowledge and practical skills in project management.
  2. Develop the ability to plan, execute, and close projects efficiently and effectively.
  3. Enhance problem-solving and decision-making abilities in project settings.

Duration: 3 hours for one day
Number of Participants: A minimum of 8 Participants
Target Group: Aspiring project managers, business professionals, and team leaders.
Language: English
Delivery Method: Online Training Course (via Zoom or MS Teams)