Strategic Innovation & Value Chain Management -Workshop

Workshop Overview

This workshop is designed to equip students and employees with state-of-the-art knowledge and best practices needed to successfully design and implement innovation strategies.

First, we discuss the foundations of innovation, gaining an understanding why innovation is an important driver of firms’ competitive advantage. Second, we explain the distinction between sustained and disruptive innovations and show the importance of balanced innovation strategies that take into account both types of innovation. Third, we discuss how firms implement innovation strategies. Students/Employees will learn about sustained innovation processes (idea generation and execution) and organizational approaches towards disruptive innovation such as technology sensing networks and corporate venturing. Fourth, the creation of an organizational climate in which innovation is discussed. Finally, Open Innovation, Intellectual Property Management, Business Model, Value BluePrint EcoSystem, and the dynamic link between Innovation Strategies and Portfolio Management methods are deliberated.

Throughout the workshop, the case study method is used, complemented by plenary discussions. Students/Employees should individually read and prepare the cases in advance.

Innovation & Value Chain Management

1. The Shift from Closed to Open Innovation

2. Business Model Innovation & Open Business Models

3. Business Model Framework

4. Technology Markets

5. Valuation of IP

6. Technology Transfer & Corresponding Agreements

7. Spin-Offs

8. The Role of Networks in Innovation

9. Strategic Alliances

10. Understanding & Managing Ecosystems

11. Value BluePrints

12. Technology Platforms

13. Platforms Owners vs. Complementors

Outcome Objectives for Participants

1. Understand the difference between closed and open innovation.

2. Understand the drivers behind the shift from closed to open innovation.

3. Understand that open innovation paradigm has brought a more business-oriented mindset to innovation.

4. Understand what a business model is and the holistic view it offers of a company.

5. Understand that business model is an important ‘locus of innovation’ and how open business models may unlock value inside the firm.

6. Be able to map the business model of company and systematically analyze the opportunities for business model innovation.

7. Understand the dimensionality, antecedents, and contingencies of BMI:

a) Be able to characterize the dimensions of a business model innovation;

b) Understand how business models should be aligned to a firm’s open innovation strategy;

c) Understand how factors like managerial cognition affect BMI.

8. Understand the (growing) importance of markets for technology and how to expand firms’ options to profit from their technology.

9. Understand what a license agreement is (scope, obligations, duration…), and the different methods for valuing intellectual property that can be used for such agreements.

10. Understand why firms have become more open to external technologies.

11. Understand how adopting a business model that embraces co-creation of products with customers and its broader community.

12. Understand what lead users are and the role they can play in corporate innovation.

13. Understand how broader producer-user ecosystems create synergies that help addressing the challenges of user innovation.

14. Understand that innovation networks exist within and between organizations, and be aware of key insights on how they affect firms’ innovative performance.

15. Understand basic concepts of social network analysis that allow to formally describe (innovation) networks of firms and individuals.

16. Understand that many real networks are “small worlds”, why such networks tend to foster creativity and what the main managerial implications are.

17. Understand how a firm’s network represents “social capital” performance.

18. Understand how innovation success requires attention not just for execution excellence, but also for the risks in the wider innovation ecosystem.

19. Understand how ‘value blueprints’ for the entire ecosystem help to identify co-innovation.

20. Understand how firms can proactively manage their ecosystem.

21. Understand how platforms have been conceptualized from an economics and engineering perspectives.

22. Understand the natures of the relationship between the platform owner and its complementors and the various challenges that this creates.

23. Understand how modularity (both in technical terms and in terms of IP) can be used as a mechanism to create and capture value.

Duration : Sessions consist of 3-4 hours/per session (5 working days or sessions)

Number of Participants  :  A minimum of 8 participants ( online )

Target group :  Students/Employees(  preferably from different departments/sections/backgrounds)

Language : English or Arabic

Delivery Method :Online Training Course (via Zoom or MS Teams)

Boost your strategic innovation skills with SATE value chain training

SATE’s strategic innovation & value chain management workshop is designed to equip you with the knowledge and best practices needed to innovate, create value and optimize business strategies. Enhance your operations, gain a competitive edge, and open new markets through our workshop. Furthermore, SATE’s value chain training workshop is your key to unlocking the potential of strategic innovation and value chain management. Our online sessions and case studies-based approach will help you acquire the knowledge and best practices needed to succeed. So, get up to speed with the latest state-of-the-art knowledge to successfully design, implement and manage your innovation strategies...

Learn from the experts directly – An effective value chain workshop

This workshop is designed and taught by SATE experienced professionals, who provide insights into the latest trends in innovation strategies and value chain management. Through this workshop, you will learn how to effectively use case studies to analyze, evaluate, design, and implement successful innovation strategies in different economic environments. In addition, you will learn how to understand and manage ecosystems, value blueprints, and different technology platforms. Our case study method provides you with valuableinsight into how these theories are employed in various contexts, allowing you to apply these methods immediately in your own organization.

A state-of-the-art learning experience in value chain management

We use up-to-date content, best practices, and frameworks to ensure that you are always ahead in the game. The workshop includes practical exercises and discussions that will help you get the most out of your learning experience. Students gain an understanding of business model innovation and open business models, business model framework, technology markets, strategic alliances, valuation of IP, and technology transfer and corresponding agreements. This will build a strong foundation for your business strategy. By analyzing and discussing relevant topics and engaging in problem-solving activities, they will be equipped with the skills required to develop effective strategies that can bring sustainable results.

Grow your career opportunities with a value chain course

Whether you’re a student or an employee looking to expand your career opportunities, this workshop will give you the perfect opportunity to develop an innovative mindset. Thiswill help oopen the door to new employment opportunities. Also, by participating in SATE workshops, you will be able to meet fellow professionals in your field and create valuable networks that can help you grow your career. Stand out from the competition with your updated skill set in strategic innovation and value chain management!

Achieve maximum benefits with a value chain management course

In this course, candidates explore the power of innovation and why it is an essential way for businesses to maintain their competitive edge. Also, they can understand the difference between sustained and disruptive innovation, which is key to developing a successful strategy that combines both types of change.

This chain management course dives into the world of innovation, from sustained progress to disruptive changes. The program allows students and employees to explore long-term strategies for continued growth as well as innovative methods of embracing revolutionary ideas, such as technology sensing networks and corporate venturing.

Besides fostering a culture of creativity, our workshop also fosters an environment that encourages and celebrates novel ideas. Finally, students can maximize their potential through open innovation, intellectual property management, and business model strategies that come together to create a dynamic value blueprint ecosystem. Through this combination of objectives and management methods, they have the opportunity to establish an effective innovation strategy that can be used across our entire portfolio for continued success. Enroll today!

Register now to become a strategic innovator

Our workshop consist of 3-4 hours per session (5 working days) with a minimum of 8 participants. This workshop is an excellent opportunity, bringing together students and employees from all different departments, sections, and backgrounds. With sessions available in both English and Arabic, users now have the ability to connect with experts. Register today and grow a professional network with SATE!