Why Choose US ?

Solidifying your knowledge is the key to unlock all the doors

Many fresh graduates attempt to enter the labour markets relying mostly on the theoretical knowledge built from years spent at specialized educational institutes. However, many amongst them lack the practical aspects of education essential for accessing any job market.

Some employees also lack certain essential skills that need to be developed through specialized skill enhancement programmes. With time, many external factors (e.g. technological changes, legal changes) change the skills requirements of any entity or domain of work. Consequently, maintaining a skilled workforce requires meticulous succession planning.

From all this, SATE realized the need to select a team of highly skilled professional trainers, and a network of reputable partners that are able to develop and design learning plans to help students and employees identify skills they would need to improve.

One of SATE main training objectives has to do with the shaping and forming of people into productive members of society. Innovative and sophisticated programmes along with accessible learning facilities are simply supportive means to educational ends that SATE aims to reach to.

SATE courses and training programmes offer a perfect balance of operations and academics with hand-on training, industry-recognized certifications, and management entrepreneurship modules.

With the rise of e-learning approaches to education and training whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. SATE ensured that its learning techniques keep pace with the latest online educational technologies.

SATE trainers and network of strategic partners have a proven track record in leading the efficient delivery of services through global platforms within a learning technology in a digital education context.

SATE courses, seminars and workshops are carefully designed to achieve the following objectives:
  • Reinforce knowledge
  • Improve performance
  • Address skills shortage
  • Provide better preparation of employees for promotions and organizational changes
  • Increase motivation and self-confidence
  • Promote a healthy learning culture in the workplace

Participants’ Assessment

SATE team of trainers, educators, and partners are required to carry out analysis for a target segment of potential participants while taking into account the geographic location and the hosting work environment. Such a step is crucial to assess what skills and knowledge potential participants need to excel in their job responsibilities and to identify gaps in their existing knowledge and skill sets.

One of the methods that SATE applies in order to attain these goals is through the dissemination of self-assessment and survey forms to identify the skills that potential participants currently possess, and the knowledge and training gaps they want to plug in.

The insights gained from the training needs assessment is used by SATE team to design face-to-face,virtual and e-Learning courses with relevant content that helps learners perform well in their jobs.

Setting Expectations

Identifying the purposes of training and learning objectives is essential at this stage of SATE working plan.This would enable SATE from ensuring that all its team members work towards a common goal, and focus their efforts to achieve the highest objectives. This would also help setting the audience expectations; where participants know what the training will be on and what learning outcomes they can expect.

Aligning SATE Goals With the Learning Outcomes

At this stage of SATE learning strategy, the leadership team work on aligning the learning outcomes with SATE goals in order to establish a clear association between SATE goals and the skills learners will learn and develop by the time they complete the course. This also requires SATE to facilitate the learning process for its team members and create opportunities for them to apply the knowledge.

A Memorable Learning Experience

At this level of SATE training and learning strategy, SATE operational team ensures that the courses including the e- learning ones communicate meaning efficiently and create a memorable learning experience.

Setting expectations is critical for defining the learning objectives. The transfer of learning takes place more efficiently when learners know what behaviours they are expected to exhibit after they have gone through the training.

In today’s fast paced work environment, adult learners are short on time; that is why they appreciate a course that cuts to the chase right away.

SATE sat out rules that require all trainers to prioritize dividing the courses content to ensure that courses are clutter-free and relevant focusing on the “must-know” content and eliminating everything that does not address the learning objectives directly, not ignoring the “nice-to-know” information.

Comparative Learning Methods

As learning is best achieved by associations. SATE ensures the application of instructional tools in its carefully designed courses to draw similarities between two dissimilar objects or ideas , while ensuring that the differences between the objects being compared are pointed out.
Analogies and metaphors are used in SATE courses as effective tools to assist participants to draw upon their prior knowledge or experience so that to understand, discover similarities, and make sense of new concepts.

Aligning Content With Real-Life Job Roles And Responsibilities

Adult learners are motivated to apply newly acquired knowledge only if they feel confident that it will help them tackle real-life challenges. For this reason, SATE worked to ensure incorporating realistic scenarios in its designed courses to simulate the problems faced by the participants at the workplace. SATE courses also incorporate practical exercises that are similar to what participants will be expected to perform at the workplace. Not forgetting also to Include some examples from real life to give participants the chance to learn, in a safe environment.

Action Plans to Retain and Improve Motivation

SATE team of educators and trainers work with learners to prepare action plans to guide them when they are back to work. These action plans lay out the guidelines that will assist participants to apply what they have learned during the training.

Reinforcing Learners’ Engagement

Learners’ opinions on the effectiveness of SATE courses matters the most t us. Learner’s engagement is a priority for any type of SATE courses. For face-to-face or virtual engagement in active learning, SATE ensures the application of approaches, which includes simulations, activities, and collaborative work. For SATE e-Learning models , our team applies similar approaches in different forms as interactive quizzes, and case studies.

Post Training Evaluation

It is crucial for SATE team to measure whether or not its courses helped participants to attain their learning objectives.

A post-training evaluation questionnaire shall be disseminated at the end of each course, seminar or workshop to optimize the learning transfer process. SATE prioritizes the reception of participants’ feedback about its training courses or programmes.

SATE works on accurately measuring the level of satisfaction that is perceived by participants vis –a –vis the content and the trainer/educator’s performance in each of its training courses and programmes.

To serve this purpose SATE is seriously committed to designing the most efficient evaluation tools, which meticulously analyses the data collected from the feedback that SATE team receives from the participants.

Participants will also be asked to rate the course based on how engaging it is. They will also be asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the content and the interactivity provided by the course.

Participants’ Suggestions

At the end of each SATE training, course , seminar or workshop, participants will be urged to put at least three suggestions to improve course and training effectiveness. SATE makes sure that those suggestions are incorporated in its programme development plans.